Depression CD / USB
$60.00 -
Anger management CD / USB
$60.00 -
Part 4 – Parenting: Seven to Thirteen years old (CD / USB)
$60.00 -
Part 5 – Parenting: Thirteen to Nineteen years old (CD/USB)
$60.00 -
Parenting: Philosophy and goals (CD / USB)
$80.00 -
Part 2 – Parenting: Birth to 3 years old (CD / USB )
$80.00 -
Part 3 – Parenting: 3 to 7 years (CD / USB)
$80.00 -
Self Esteem Master Collection – 11 CD’s or 1 USB
$80.00 -
Family and Marriage Seminar USB
$80.00 -
Healthy and Normal Personality types CD / USB
$90.00 -
Unhealthy Personality Types CD / USB
$90.00 -
Happiness Seminar CD / USB